Thinking of Wendy


Posted by Andy Lewis

I wanted to say that I still drop by and visit here. This site has some great pictures, and brings back so many great (and painful sometimes) memories. Thank you for keeping it running.

Since I'm here, and I don't see any recent posts, I think that I'll say hi. I admit that I'm not really that close with Wendy's family and other friends, and I haven't participated in any get togethers by other Wendyfans, but it has been really really great seeing them here online and living vicariously through this web site.

I wish I had some good Wendy pictures to share. I can still pull her face up in my mind whenever I want to - most of what I see when I do is her big grin. I picture her telling a bad joke and making it hilarious somehow. I can see her trying to explain an impossible scheme and making me believe she could do it. I can see her in stupid random everyday things. Right now it's mid-October in the US and something tells me she'd be splitting her time between amassing the world's largest balcony pumpkin patch and campaigning the hell out of her favorite presidential candidate.

Wendy, I really miss you. I wasn't even one of your closer friends and I still hurt when I think of you. I guess you know me better than I do myself, by now. I hope that you 're proud of me. Thanks for watching out for us.

Andy Lewis